Richard Weiland & Cincinnati Museum Center

When I joined Cincinnati Museum Center in 1999, Dick had been hired just the year prior. When I first met him, I was amazed this person was the highly effective lobbyist which was described to me. He was not slickly dressed, he was sort of rumpled! He didn’t drive a luxury vehicle but an older car

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A Fire star IMAX building with LED lights

Newport vs. Cincinnati – Round II

AEG Worldwide is coming to the fight with a cannon and Cincinnati is coming with hopes, dreams and the best intentions.

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September 11, 2001, Attacks Remembered

“On this day we remember those we tragically lost and we honor those who courageously risked everything to save another. In response to the attacks on September 11, 2001, our President & CEO, Doug McDonald, with the help of businessman Carl Lindner, brought this flag to hang on the face of Union Terminal for all

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Speech to Leaders Congress about Inspiration & Museums.

Mister Speaker, Leader McConnell, Leader Pelosi, Speaker Rosenberger, Distinguished members of Congress, fellow Ohio Statuary Hall Commissioners and distinguished guests. Today is the final act of a decade long endeavor to succeed Ohio’s Governor Allen statue, which has resided in this hall for 139 years with a statue of a son of Ohio, Thomas Edison.

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Text on a chalkboard

Failure of NGOs – Museums – Organizations:

Failure of NGOs – Museums – Organizations: While insolvency is rare in the NGO sector, the failure to achieve an organization’s full potential runs rampant. Consider the meetings which consume your week: When a meeting is completed, ask yourself the following questions: Were people prepared for the meeting? Was the basis for making the decisions

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Superman vs. The Sheriff: Lessons for museums from the Super Bowl

Superman (Cam Newton) brings excitement, talent, exhuberance and is seemingly can overcome any opponent. The Sheriff  (Payton Manning) no longer performs heroics, has only a portion of his former enormous talent and engenders sympathy for what he was previously and is respected for his age and knowledge. There was practically unanimity that this year’s Super

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Tom Loughman Appointed 11th Director and C.E.O. of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

Thomas J. Loughman has been appointed the 11th Director and C.E.O. of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, Conn. Loughman comes to the Wadsworth Atheneum with more than 20 years of museum experience, most recently serving as the Associate Director of Program and Planning at the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Mass. “The

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“HEY YO! Save Our Icons”

NGOgro associate Maria Beatriz (Mabe) Rodriguez was asked by the Cultural Facilities Task Force Chair Bob McDonald to create a public marketing campaign to generate high community awareness of the needs of Cincinnati’s Union Terminal and Music Hall. Landor Associates worked with Mabe to create an amazingly impactful campaign. This video is an example of her leadership and

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Looking back over your career, is there anything you would significantly change?

Doug’s interview by American Alliance of Museums Re: his career & the future of museums. Roving Reporter  February 2015Your Roving Reporter  By Betty Brewer, CEO Betty Brewer invited Douglass McDonald to look back on his career as he retired from the Cincinnati Museum Center. Having significant accomplishments from his years in the field, she also

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Do away with minimum contributions for nonprofit board members!

Paying directors more is being advanced in the corporate sector. NGOs often require trustees to “pay” with minimum contribution levels and the more elite the NGO the higher the expected contribution. This results in trustees with less experience in changing organizations and very large boards to increase the number of director level philanthropic gifts. It

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